Bulk Latitude and Longitude Finder

Find latitude and longitude in bulk for addresses in the US and Canada

Do you have a list of addresses that you need to quickly find the latitude/longitude coordinates for?

With Geocodio, you can upload a spreadsheet and get the results emailed to you—often within minutes.

(Note that Geocodio only works for the US and Canada.)

Unlike the majority of geocoding services, Geocodio does not have any usage restrictions, so you are free to store the latitude/longitude in your database, use them in an application or on your website, or even resell them as part of your own services.

Do you want to bulk find latitude/longitude via API or spreadsheet upload?

Perhaps the addresses you need latitude/longitude for are in a spreadsheet. Or, perhaps you have a program that needs to ingest and convert addresses on a regular basis, and would prefer to use an API.

Geocodio has tools to upload a spreadsheet and an API. You can even process a CSV spreadsheet via API!

Many people do both. For example, you may need to batch convert your current database of addresses into latitude/longitude coordinates and then have more coming in on a regular basis. In that case, you might upload a CSV or Excel file of coordinates, put the coordinates into your database, and then integrate the API for your ongoing needs.

Find Latitude/Longitude Coordinates in Bulk (Excel/CSV Spreadsheet)

Alternatively, you may have a spreadsheet of latitude/longitude coordinates that you want to convert into approximate addresses.

Note that we do not remove any data from spreadsheets. We simply add columns. You can download an example results file here.

1. Organize the addresses you want to convert to latitude/longitude in a spreadsheet

The first step is to put the coordinates in a consistent format: the address can be broken up into separate columns, or they it can be combined into one column. But it must be consistent.

Multiple-Column Format with Addresses

Street City State/Province ZIP Country
1785 Military rd Niagara Falls NY 14304
323 Yonge St Toronto Ontario Canada
1432 Mackay street H3G 2H7 Canada
146 south Main street 01949
3211 wilson boulevard arlington va
8421 NY-89 Interlaken NY 14847 United States

(Note for Canadian addrresses: A country column with "Canada" given exactly is required.)

Single-Column Format with Addresses

323 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M5B 1R7, Canada
1432 Mackay St, H3G 2H7, Canada
1785 Military Road, Niagara Falls, NY 14304
3211 Wilson boulevard, arlington va
8421 NY-89, 14847
H3G 2H7, Canada

However, the formats cannot be mixed, as below:

1785 Military rd Niagara Falls NY 14304
323 Yonge St Toronto Ontario Canada
323 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M5B 1R7, Canada

See more and download example files here.

2. Upload the spreadsheet of coordinates to Geocodio for processing

Next, go to the Geocodio upload tool and upload the spreadsheet. After you confirm the columns, you'll be shown a preview of the results to make sure everything looks as expected.

We will only add columns to your spreadsheet—we won't remove anything.

Next, you can add additional data, such as Census FIPS codes, time zones, Congressional districts, and more.

3. Download the completed file with addresses added to your coordinates

After you press Submit, your spreadsheet will be automatically processed. You do not need to stay on the dashboard in order for the file to process.

We will send you an email when processing is done, and you will be able to download a CSV directly from the email.

Find Latitude/Longitude Coordinates in Bulk (API)

The Geocodio API can help you find latitude/longitude coordinates in bulk for US and Canadian addresses.

1. Create an API Key to turn Lat/Lon into Addresses

The first step is to create an account and then create an API key. Creating an account and an API key are both free, with no credit card or other payment information required at set-up. You can run up to 2,500 lookups for free per day.

Create a free API key here

2. Get set up with the single, batch, or Lists API to find latitude/longitude in bulk via API

You can do single requests (best for real-time uses), batches of up to 10,000 lookups, or process a CSV via API. However, if you want to find the latitude/longitude coordinates in bulk, you probably want to use the "batch" or "lists" endpoints.

You can see our documentation here.

Optional Step 3. Add other data

In the same request, you can also add other data you might need, like time zones, Congressional districts, Census FIPS codes, Census household income data, or other information. You can see the full list of available appends in our documentation.

Please enter an address in the US or Canada

Do you want to append additional data?

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Upload a spreadsheet now. No credit card required.

Upload SpreadsheetGet an API Key

Upload a Spreadsheet

Bulk process a list of addresses in a spreadsheet and find their latitude/longitude coordinates.
Upload Now

API Documentation

You can use the Geocodio API to find latitide/longitude coordinates for addresses in the US and Canada.

Data Appends

All of our data appends, including time zones, Census data, and political districts are available when you find latitude/longitude coordinates.

Create an API Key

You can create an API key for free on the Geocodio Dashboard.
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