Convert Addresses to Census Tracts

Convert addresses or coordinates to Census tracts, FIPS codes, and statistical areas

Convert Addresses to Census Tracts

Geocodio can help you convert coordinates or addresses into Census tracts, FIPS codes, and metropolitan and Census-designated statistical areas. Upload a spreadsheet, or use our API to add Census data programatically in bulk.

Adding Census FIPS, tract, and block codes to addresses can help you connect datasets and make sense of location data. For example, if you want to see which major cities your customers are close to, you can upload a list of your customers to Geocodio, get the Census MSAs (Metropolitan statistical areas), and then make a map or pivot table to see which cities your customers are clustered around.

As another example, banks are required to report Census MSAs, tracts, blocks, and FIPS codes to the FFIEC to ensure they are complying with federal fair lending requirements. Geocodio makes it easy to securely upload a large dataset of address data and add the Census codes, saving bank employees valuable hours in reporting time. If you are looking for a more user-friendly, faster alternative to the FFEIC geocoder, Geocodio might be what you're looking for.

Geocodio is built to handle large datasets. You can upload a file of addresses or coordinates that is up to 1 GB per upload, and upload multiple datasets simultaneously. You can also run batches of 10,000 through our API in parallel. When you add the "Census" field to your request, all of the Census identifiers will be returned for the coordinates or addresses: Census FIPS codes, blocks, tracts, MSAs, and CSAs.

Census boundaries are available back to 2010.

Geocodio can also help you add Canadian Census tracts to a spreadsheet or programatically via API.

Add Census blocks and tracts to an address. No signup required.

Please enter an address in the US or Canada

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Census Blocks

Convert addresses and lat/lon coordinates to Census blocks.

Census Block Groups

Convert addresses and lat/lon coordinates to Census block groups.

Census Tracts

Convert addresses or coordinates to Census tracts.

FIPS Codes

Convert addresses or coordinates to Census tracts.

MSAs and CSAs

Convert addresses or coordinates to MSAs and CSAs.

Securely upload a spreadsheet now

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Frequently asked questions

Canadian Census IDs

Add Canadian Census tracts, economic regions, Census Metropolitan Areas, and more to addresses or coordinates.
See Guide

Download Example Result

Download an example spreadsheet with Census FIPS codes, blocks, tracts, and MSA/CSAs added.

API for Census Geographies

Use our API to batch convert addresses to FIPS codes and other Census geographies.

FFIEC Geocoder Alternative

Geocodio is a faster and more accurate way to add FIPS codes than doing it one-by-one with the FFIEC geocoder.
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