Find State Legislative Districts for Addresses

How to find the state legislative districts for addresses in bulk via API or spreadsheet upload.

Geocodio can help you look up the state legislative districts (state House, state Senate, or Unicameral) districts for addresses or coordinates.

Geocodio is built for batch processing. Whether you have 100 or 100,000,000 addresses, we can help you. This guide will show you how.

You can see an example of the results here.

Add state legislative districts to addresses or coordinates via API or spreadsheet upload

The first step is to determine how you would like to add the state legislative districts. Do you need an API to get state legislative districts, or do you have a spreadsheet of addresses, such as an Excel file or CSV?

With Geocodio, you can do both. For example, you might have a donor database of 10,000 names and addresses, and then regularly receive new sign-ups on your website. You could backfill the current database via spreadsheet upload, and then integrate our API into your website to add state legislative districts to addresses as they come in.

Get the State Legislative Districts for a Spreadsheet of Addresses

This section walks you through how to add state legislative districts to addresses or coordinates via spreadsheet upload. If you would like to use an API instead, please see below to the next section.

1. Gather the locations (addresses or coordinates) you want to add state legislative districts to into a spreadsheet

The first step is to gather the locations into a spreadsheet. With Geocodio, you can upload latitude/longitude coordinates, or addresses. Note, each spreadsheet can only have one or the other; i.e., you cannot convert a list with coordinates for some records and addresses for others in the same upload. You need to do separate uploads.

We support two formats: multi-column and single column. The addresses do not need to be complete, and as long as you have either street + ZIP or street + city + state we will be able to look up the state legislative districts.

Multiple column format:

Street City State ZIP
960 Orange Avenue Coronado CA
2050 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas TX
5020 E Sprague Ave 99212

Single-column format:

960 Orange Avenue Coronado CA
2050 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas TX
5020 E Sprague Ave 99212

However, the formats cannot be mixed, as below:

960 Orange Avenue Coronado CA
5020 E Sprague Ave 99212

2. Upload the spreadsheet of addresses to Geocodio to add state House and Senate districts

Next, go to Geocodio's Upload tool and upload the spreadsheet. After confirming the columns and seeing a preview of the file on a map, you will be presented with options to append data. You will want to check the box that says "state legislative districts."

![Screenshot showing state legislative district appends option for spreadsheet uploads](/img/Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 5.26.27 PM.png)

3. Download the completed file with state house and senate districts added to your spreadsheeet

After you click Submit, the file will start processing. You do not need to stay on the dashboard for the file to process. We will send you an email when the file is done and you can download the file directly from that email.

Add State Legislative Districts to addresses or coordinates via API

You can also integrate state legislative district lookups directly into your website or application with the Geocodio API.

1. Create an API Key to add State Legislative Districts to addresses

The first step is to create an API key. Creating an account and an API key is free. You can create an API key here.

2. Integrate the Geocodio API into your website or app with the state legislative districts added

You can add coordinates (or addresses) and state legislative districts to a location all in one go. You can also add other data at the same time, such as Congressional districts. You can see our documentation here.

Find the state House, Senate, or Unicameral districts for an address

Please enter an address in the US or Canada

Do you want to append additional data?

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Upload a spreadsheet now. No credit card required.

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State Legislative Districts Example Results

Download an example spreadsheet of addresses with state legislative districts added.
Go to example

API Documentation

Use the Geocodio API to add state legislative districts to addresses or coordinates.


See how much it will cost you to add state legislative districts to your addresses.

Political and Civic Data

Thousands of customers use Geocodio to add state legislative districts, Congressional districts, and other political data to their databases.

Spreadsheet of Addresses to Congressional Districts

You can also add Congressional districts and legislator contact information.
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