Table of Contents

Getting Started

What you can do with GeocodioSpreadsheet formattingAddress completionSpelling CorrectionFile sizesFile formatsIntersectionsPreviewing your spreadsheetReverse geocoding

Enable Maps and Map Sharing

To ensure a secure experience, our Maps feature is not automatically available to Enterprise customers. However, Enterprise administrators do have the option to opt-in to Maps. This feature is included in your Enterprise subscription and can be enabled at any time.

How do I enable maps?

To enable Maps for your account, as well as any associated team members, log in to the Geocodio Enterprise dashboard. Then, look at the lower left-hand corner and click on your name and email address to open up the menu. Select the "Team" tab.

Screenshot of Teams tab in dropdown

Once you get to the Team page, you'll find a section called "Team settings." Here, you can enable Maps. Click the "Enable" button and the Maps tab will be added to your account dashboard automatically.

Screenshot of Enable Maps option

If there are any team members associated with your Enterprise account, they will also be able to access Maps as well. Please be aware that this is a permanent change.

Creating Maps

Maps can be created using any spreadsheet that has less than 100,000 rows. Navigate to the new "Maps" tab on your account dashboard and select the "Create Map" button to get started.

Screenshot of Enable Maps option

Typically, Enterprise spreadsheet uploads are only retained for 72 hours before being automatically deleted. Please be aware that if you choose to make a map using a spreadsheet, we will retain that spreadsheet until the map has been deleted.

For more detailed guidance on how to create and customize maps, please see our tutorials here.

Sharing Maps

By default, all maps are private. However, it is possible to share the maps you create. Since our Enterprise customers are often working with PHI or other sensitive data, this must be manually permitted by the admin.

Once you've enabled Maps, another setting will be added to the Team settings section: "Allow Public Maps."

Screenshot of Allow Public Maps option

When you allow public maps, the admin and any team members will have the ability to share and embed the maps they create. This option can be disabled at any time.

Even once this has been selected, maps remain private by default and sharing settings must be manually changed before they can be shared. You will be asked to confirm any attempt to share a map before proceeding.

Screenshot of share confirmation

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