HERE geocoding vs Geocodio Comparison

Geocodio is an alternative to HERE geocoding

Geocodio: A HERE Geocoding Alternative

HERE and Geocodio both provide geocoding services. Depending on your use case, one might be a better fit for you than the other.

Most geocoding providers have restrictions on how you use results from their services. Most, for example, won't allow you to store results in database.

Data from Geocodio can be cached and/or permanently stored without restriction. We do not impose any restrictions on how you use the data or how you handle it. (See our Terms of Use.)

It's important to us to try to make your work as hassle-free as possible. That's why we don't put restrictions on how you use our results. For example, a few things you can do with Geocodio that you can't do with other providers:

  • Integrate latitude and longitude into your application
  • Store customer geographic data in your database
  • Geocode your sales leads
  • Capture geodata without displaying it on a map
  • Resell geocoding
  • And many more things that are prohibited by other geocoding providers

HERE Geocoding Restrictions

  • Cannot be stored or cached (except under certain specific short-term uses)
  • Cannot be used for bulk geocoding and can only be used as the result of an end user's query
  • Cannot be imported to GIS applications
  • Cannot be used for fleet or asset management
  • Cannot be used for navigation
  • Cannot be used for sales leads
  • Cannot be used with non-HERE maps or other content
  • Must provide HERE with a copy of your website/application upon request for review
  • Full list of restrictions

Can you store, cache or export geocoded results from HERE?

Results from HERE geocoding cannot be exported, stored in a database, or cached except in specific short-term use cases. Results cannot be reused and you must make a call every time you need an address geocoded, even if you have already paid for it from HERE.

Results from Geocodio are allowed be exported, stored or cached. Geocodio puts no restrictions on how you use the geocoded results. This means you only need to geocode an address or coordinate pair once from Geocodio and can store it as you wish.

Can you use HERE geocoding in GIS platforms such as ArcGIS, Esri, Tableau, or Carto?

HERE geocoding cannot be exported to a GIS platform, such as ArcGIS, Esri, Tableau, or Carto.

Geocodio results come with complete data freedom and can be imported into any GIS platform you like.

Can you show HERE geocoded results on a non-HERE map?

No, you cannot show HERE results on a non-HERE map. Addresses geocoded with HERE must be shown on a HERE map. HERE geocoding results cannot be shown on any other brand of map, such as OpenStreetMap or Google Maps.

Geocodio results can be used with any map or map platform. There are no restrictions on how or where you show geocoded results from Geocodio. You can use them on any map platform, including OpenStreetMaps, Mapbox, or Google Maps.

Are there additional HERE restrictions and prohibited use cases?

Yes. You can read HERE's full terms of service, including restrictions on geocoding, here.

Can I use HERE if I have a spreadsheet of addresses?

No, HERE geocoding is API-only.

You can geocode spreadsheets with Geocodio.

Upload a spreadsheet now. No credit card required.

Geocodio: A flexible alternative to HERE
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