Prices for unlimited geocoding are going up on December 1, 2019
The price for Geocodio Unlimited is going up on December 1, 2019 to $1,000 per month, or $11,400 per year (5% discount).
All Unlimited subscribers as of 11/30/2019 will be grandfathered in to the existing rate -- $750 per month, or $8,550 per year.
This price includes unlimited geocoding and data appends via spreadsheet or API, with no per-seat costs. A single Unlimited instance can process 200,000 lookups per hour. If additional capacity is needed, additional instances are available at $700 each starting 12/1 ($500 each before 11/30).
Pay-as-you-go prices will remain unchanged.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We are here to help.