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January 11, 2024

Annoucing the New Geocodio Maps

Whether it's to share the product of data analysis you've done with coworkers, embed a map of store locations on your website, or get a high-quality map to put into a presentation, creating and sharing an interactive map is often the next step after geocoding a list of addresses. To make that easier and faster, we've redesigned our mapping product to help you go from raw address data to a…

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February 27, 2023

Geocodio+HIPAA becomes Geocodio Enterprise; Achieves SOC 2 Type II Compliance

We're pleased to announce that our Enterprise product, previously known as Geocodio+HIPAA, has achieved SOC 2 Type II compliance in accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards for SOC for Service Organizations also known as SSAE 18. Achieving this standard with an unqualified opinion serves as third-party industry validation that Geocodio Enterprise…

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January 17, 2023

American Community Survey Data from the 2017-2021 Five-Year Survey Now Available

You can now enrich your address and coordinate data with data from the 2017-2021 US Census Bureau American Community Survey. The 2021 data set is the most recent 5-year American Community Survey from the US Census Bureau that has detailed data in the categories returned by Geocodio: Demographics Social: Education & Veteran Status Families Housing Economics: Income Data This dataset was released…

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December 21, 2022

Congress/state legislative district boundaries switchover on January 3

The bottom line: If you have an API integration that uses cd118 or stateleg-next, the new districts will be automatically returned, as if you were appending cd or stateleg. If you upload spreadsheets, you can just use the default appends for each category instead of using the drop-down to select the new districts. Legislator data for the 118th Congress will be updated in mid-January. Background We…

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March 07, 2022

Updated State Legislative and Congressional Districts

We continue to update Congressional District and State Legislative District boundaries as redistricting occurs for each state. For the most up to date status, see our redistricting 2020 page.

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February 21, 2022

New data append: Canadian Provincial/Territorial Ridings

Working with political districts in Canada? Good news! Geocodio can now return provincial/territorial-level electoral districts (aka ridings). We already support national-level ridings and are excited to complete our options for electoral districts in Canada. Provincial ridings are available for both spreadsheet uploads and API. Please note: data for Nunavut is not available. Data returned for…

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February 09, 2022

New Tutorial: Create Metabase Maps with Geocodio and Laravel

Metabase is an open-source business intelligence suite that makes it easy for anyone in an organization to ask questions of data. This tutorial walks you through how to integrate Geocodio with Metabase to create maps to better understand your data. It includes Laravel (PHP) code samples to help you get off the ground quickly. Go to tutorial

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January 19, 2022

Geocoding right from the command line

The Geocodio CLI is available for Linux, macOS and Windows. It can be used to geocode spreadsheets and monitor their status from the command line. You can use it from a ETL job or cronjob, or simply to easily queue up many spreadsheets at once. Download the latest release here and see more about how to use it here.

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January 13, 2022

New: Add 2000 Census FIPS codes to addresses or coordinates

With Geocodio, you can add current-year Census boundaries as well as historical boundaries for 2010-2020. Now, you can add County, Place, Tract and Block FIPS codes for the 2000 Census year as well. During the upload process, check the box for US Census Identifiers and select "As of the 2000 Census Year." Screenshot showing adding 2000 Census year boundaries to addresses or coordinates If you're…

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January 05, 2022

Introducing the Lists API

The new lists API lets you process spreadsheets up to 1GB in size via API. Similar to the spreadsheet feature in the dashboard, the spreadsheet will be processed as a job on Geocodio's infrastructure and can be downloaded at a later time via API. CSV, TSV, XLS, and XLSX spreadsheets can be geocoded via API. While a spreadsheet is being processed, it is possible to query the status and progress…

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